Event Details Sent to External Integrations
Various events on nector Some of the common events fired from nector When customer is created or updated - leadcreate and leadupdate (View event properties) When coupon is created or uPopularHow to Manually Reward Coins to Customers ?
In this article we will be showing, how to manually reward coins to the customer, this can come useful, if in some exceptional case the coins are not automatically rewarded. The steps to manually reward is given below. Go to Customers Page inside the Loyalty Program From the list of customers, click on the customer you want to manually reward the coinsSome readersAdding Review Widget To Shopify Store
This article is useful if you would like to show the reviews of the products to the customers Visit your shopify admin panel and click on Online StoreSome readersReview FAQs
Featured Review section not appearing There are two possible reasons why this might happen: Reviews program is disabled To enable the Reviews Program, follow the below steps: Go to Reviews Settings under Reviews Program Check if the Status is enabled A minimum of 3 reviews have not been marked as featured To marSome readersHow to find product ID of products on Shopify?
In order to find a Shopify product ID, the easiest way is to check through the admin URL. Kindly follow the steps below to get the product ID: Login to the admin panel of your Shopify Store Click on the Products tab From the list of Products click on the relevant product. In the new page, look at the address bar; the product ID is the series of numbers at the end of the URL: (httFew readersHow to manually reward coins for an order ?
Inorder to manually reward coins for an order, first check if the rewarding has happened for that orderFew readersWebhook Details Sent to Delivery URL
Various webhook events on nector Some of the common webhooks fired from nector When customer is created or updated - leadcreate and leadupdate When coupon is created or updated - couponcreate and couponupdate When ordFew readersHow to check if delivery status is getting updated on Shopify
Follow the below steps to check if the delivery status is getting updated on Shopify properly Go to Shopify dashboard Go to Orders Under Delivery Status check , if the orders that are delivered are getting updated correctly as Delivered, if it's getting updated that means the status is getting upFew readersCustomize the Reward For Placing an Order
On your nector dashboard, go to the Earning Rules tab under Loyalty Settings inside Loyalty Program. Scroll to the OrdFew readersBulk Update Customer Points
In this article, we will teach you how to Bulk Update the Coins of Customers. With this now you can credit, debit and reset coins in bulk, quickly and easily therefore saving you time and hassle. To access this feature, go to Customer Data on the left side menu, and then click on Import & Bulk Update page. Here, under the Coins section, you will find the options to Bulk Reward Coins, Bulk Debit Coins and Bulk Reset Coins. (httFew readersHow to manage Q&As ?
This article explains how to manage your Q&As If you have set up your Reviews Programme and would like to manage the Q&As in your store refer to this article:Few readersWhatsApp Template Repository
Referral Coupon Claim Template 🎁 Surprise! referredbyname has sent you something special! Congratulations! You've been gifted couponname by referredbyname . Don't forget to use couponvalue at checkout and make the most of it before it runs out. Enjoy! Button Text: Use Your Reward Wallet Reward Template You've earned 😍 wallettransactionamount businesscoinname Hi there! You earned wallettransactionamount businesscoinname for wallettransactiontitle .Few readersHow to open the widget dynamically?
If you want the widget to be opened dynamically, Nector presently offers 3 different methods. They are discussed in detail below By calling a function window.showNectorRewards() - We can call this function to show the Nector Rewards widget window.hideNectorRewards() - Similarly we can call this function to hide the Nector Rewards widget These functions can be called from anywhere in theFew readersHow to enable Q&A on Shopify?
In this article we will show how to enable the Q&A section on your Shopify website. Q&A is a new feature which is being offered alongside reviews where customers can ask questions related to the product, and you can directly answer it from your Nector dashboard. Enabling a Q&A section on your Shopify website improves customer engagement by allowing direct interaction and transparency, which builds trust and addresses potential buyers' concerns. Follow the below steps to add the floating reFew readersCoins are getting redeemed automatically. How is this happening?
If the coins are getting redeemed automatically, then it means auto-apply is working in the background. The auto apply prompt is meant to be a set and forget way of redemption. Once the customer has enabled auto apply, then anytime he comes to purchase from your online store, a coupon will be applied automatically to the checkout. If a coupon already exists (whether it was manually redeemed or automatically created but wasn't used), then that will be used, or else if the customer has sufficienFew readersEmail Template Variables
This article elaborates on the email template variables and explains them Various email events on nector Some of the common emails fired from nector When customer is created or updated - leadcreate and leadupdate When coupon is created or uFew readersHow to change the Offer Name & Description ?
In-order to change the name of a created offer, kindly follow the below steps Go to Redemption Rules (https://merchant.nector.io/programs/loyalFew readersBulk Update Reviews
In this article, we'll show you how to use Review Quick Actions, our new feature that makes managing bulk tasks easier. With Review Quick Actions, you can effortlessly toggle the visibility, verification, and featured status of your customers in bulk, making these tasks quicker and easier, ultimately saving you time and reducing hassle. To access this feature, go to Reviews page and click on Bulk Actions a dropdown menu will open, hover on BulFew readersHow customer can redeem points?
Customer can redeem his points primarily by using either the rewards widget or the rewards page both the methods are explained in detail below Redeeming through Rewards Widget Inorder to redeem through the rewards widget, follow these steps Click on the widget from the screen Click on Ways to Redeem Click on the offer you would like to redeem the points on (https://storage.crispFew readersHow to Manage Reviews ?
This article explains how to manage your reviews. If you have set up your Reviews Programme and would like to manage the reviews in your store refer to this article: Go to Reviews page and click on Reviews on the side-bar.Few readersHow to Add Delayed Rewarding?
Delayed Rewarding is a special feature that we offer in which the reward will be given only after the set duration. To enable delayed rewarding, kindly follow the below steps: Go to Earning Rules tab inside the Loyalty Settings in the Loyalty Program Scroll to Order Placed Reward and click on the Edit button ClickFew readersHow to promote Nector on my website?
Businesses often wonder how to increase the usage of their loyalty program once implemented. As a business, you want your customers to benefit from your loyalty program and spread the word around. A key reason that users aren’t using your Rewards Program might be that they aren’t aware of your Loyalty Program. Therefore to effectively launch the loyalty program, you should make the customers aware of it. So here are some ways we suggest to boost the usage and visibility of your Rewards Program:Few readersOffering Discounts For A Specific Tier
On Nector, you can give discounts (via ways to redeem) that are exclusive for a specific tier. First, create a redemption rule which you want to give to a specific tier. Refer this article on how to do tFew readersAdding product/category restrictions to redemption rules
To add restriction to redemption rules Go to Redemption Rules tab under Loyalty Settings inside the Loyalty Program. Under Redeem Coins click on the rule you want to add the restriction too. Scroll below to the Restrictions settings Minimum Cart Amount Restriction We can add two types of Minimum cart amFew readersWhy isn't the customer rewarded yet?
The customer will not be rewarded if the reward conditions are not satisfied on nector. The conditions will depend on what you have setup on your account. Here are the common conditions due to which rewarding might not happened: The order statuses don't match the conditions setup on your account. If you are skipping reward on certain tag, then if the order has that tag, the reward will not be given. If you have setup delayed rewarding, the reward will be given only after the set duratiFew readersHow to Edit a Redemption Rule/Offer?
Inorder to edit an already created Redemption rule / Offer, kindly follow the below steps: Go to Redemption Rules under Loyalty Settings inside the Loyalty Program. Click on the offer you would like to edit There are different types of redemption rules: Amount Discount Variable Amount Discount Fixed AmountFew readersWhy is my widget not visible?
There are a total of four possible reasons why it's not visible. Let's look over them one-by-one Nector is disabled on Shopify Store Go to your shopify store admin page Look for Online Store on the left hand nav-bar and click on it Click on Themes and then on the Customize option On the left-hand panel click on the third option called App Embeds and under the list of apps meFew readersHow to Change Expiry of Generated Coupons?
Inorder to modify the default expiry of the generated coupons, kindly follow the below steps. Go to Redemption Rules tab inside the Loyalty Settings in the Loyalty Program Select a redemption rule from the given rules On the new page, find the Advanced Settings andFew readersAnalytics
This article is to give you a brief overview of what the Analytics under the Loyalty Program in Nector dashboard offers. To open that page: Click on Analytics & Reports from the side-bar menu to visit the Analytics page. In the Analytics page, we have different sections,Few readersHow to check whether an order is rewarded or not ?
To check if the rewarding has happened for an order, you can do it in the following two ways: If you want to search by a customer as reference, you can follow the below steps Check For A Customer Go to Customers Page inside your Loyalty Program Search for the customer for whose order you want to check if the rewarding has happened Click on thatFew readersHow To Check A Customer's Activity
On the nector dashboard, you can check a customer's entire activity and history i.e. when and how many coins they were rewarded or they redeemed, the coupons they redeemed, the orders they placed and much more. To check this, follow the below steps: Go the Customers Page inside Loyalty Program. Search for a particular customer(s) using their email, mobile or other supported filters by clicking on the Search All Customers button. SeeFew readersTroubleshoot FAQs
How to manually credit or debit points to the customer Visit Customers and search the via email or mobile number. Now click on the customer you want to edit, click on the Edit Balance button to manually credit or debit points. How to import points in bulk Please refer this article - https://nector.crisp.help/en/article/coin-import (https://nector.cFew readersHow to change Redemption Check?
If Redemption Check is enabled, then only the customer who has generated the coupon code can use it. If it is disabled, then anyone with the coupon code can use it. Redemption check is enabled by default for all the offers on Nector.Few readersHow to disable Nector ?
If you've decided to part ways with our product, we appreciate your time spent with us. This guide will provide you with the steps to disable our product, resulting in smooth removal of Nector from your store. Go to Business Page on your Nector dashboard. OR Alternatively, you can also go from the main dashboard page, click on your user-id at the top right corner and click on Account from the dropdown. (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersWhat to do when email quota is exhausted?
If you would like to check how much you have used your email quota, kindly read here below: Go to Emails Page inside Communication Under Your Quota you can see the amount of emails sent out of your total quota for the month Your emails quota is refreshed at the end of every month. What if i have exhausted myFew readersHow to generate a discount for a customer from the dashboard?
In this article, we'll walk you through generating a discount for a customer directly from the Nector dashboard by using their coins. This will be helpful in case a customer reaches out to you asking for a discount using their loyalty points. Follow these steps to create a personalized discount for your customers. Go to Nector dashboard. Click on the Loyalty Program and then from the side-bar select the Customers option. (hFew readersHow to setup Nector on your WooCommerce store?
Go to the Login page of Nector and click on "Don't have an account? Create now" In the new page, enter your Brand Name, Email, Your Website URL, Country and Currency. After filling the necessary details, tick the checkbox for ToS and click on Request OTP button. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/d9947dc4cf2ed000/Few readers