Setup the different ways for customers to earn coins
The first step in setting up the loyalty program is to define the different ways for your customers to earn the points for doing various activities on your store. This can be things like signing up on your store, placing an order, referring their friends, leaving a review and much more. The rewards for signing up and placing an order are already setup by default. Here, we will look at customizing these and adding some more ways to earn. Go to Loyalty Program ( readersSetup the offers for customers to redeem their coins
After deciding how customers can earn points, the next step is creating offers for them to redeem those points. We already set up rewards for signing up and buying things, and now we want them to be able to use those points to convert it into something useful. So, here you can create rules for your customers to use their points, these rules are like offers that they can swap their coins for, like getting amount discounts, free shipping, etc. Here, we will look at creating and customizing some ofFew readersIntegrate the Loyalty widgets on your website
Nector offers various widgets to enhance the promotion of your loyalty program and improve the overall user experience for customers, making the redemption of coins easier. They can be strategically placed on your shopify website or within the product pages to prominently feature details about the loyalty program. This includes information about earning and redeeming coins. It can seamlessly integrate with the customer's shopping experience. For instance, during the checkout process, customeFew readersSet up the communications of your store
Nector facilitates customer engagement through Emails and Events. Emails provide personalized communication, covering a range from sign-up greetings to review requests, ensuring effective information dissemination about the loyalty program. Events enable integrations with other Shopify communication apps, allowing data sharing for various marketing purposes. Emails Email Settings To set up your emails programme, Click on Communication on the left side menu, and then click onFew readersCustomization of widget, adding FAQs and Website Prompts
Branding Options Nector allows you to configure background and text colors, brand and coin names, and other elements, to enhance your platform's visual appeal and user experience. These colors and font will be used across all the widgets giving a consistent look and feel across your website. To modify your Branding Options, refer to this article: (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersMore features to boost your loyalty program
Apart from the existing features there are some additional features which are available for the Loyalty Program Tier Based Rewards Tier-based rewards are useful as they incentivize customer loyalty by offering exclusive benefits and privileges as customers progress through different levels or tiers. Each tier comes with its own set of rewards and customers progress through these tiers by meeting certain criteria in Lifetime Order Value or Available Balance. This system is designedFew readers