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Why is my widget not visible?

There are a total of four possible reasons why it's not visible. Let's look over them one-by-one

Nector is disabled on Shopify Store

Go to your shopify store admin page

Look for Online Store on the left hand nav-bar and click on it

Click on Themes and then on the Customize option

On the left-hand panel click on the third option called App Embeds and under the list of apps mentioned make sure the Nector app is turned on

Nector is disabled on Nector dashboard

Go to Business Overview

Under System Status check if the Status button is toggled on

Loyalty Program is Disabled

Go to Loyalty Settings under Loyalty Program

Under Status check if the toggle button is toggled on

Widget is disabled

Go to Rewards Widget under On-Site Displays inside Loyalty Program

Under the option called Visibility make sure to turn the toggle button on

Make sure the Hide Widget on Desktop button is turned false

Make sure the Hide Widget on Mobile button is turned false

If you are having issues with it's position you can learn how to change it by reading the instructions here

Updated on: 28/03/2024