Articles on: Nudges

Unused Coupons Reminder

Through Nector, you can reward coupons to customers for their loyalty to your store. However, as customers accumulate these coupons, there arises the possibility that they may forget about them over time. To address this concern, Nector offers a convenient feature: Unused Coupons Reminder. This feature ensures that customers are motivated to utilize their coupons thus maximizing their benefits and enhancing their overall shopping experience. This article explains how to remind your customers if they have any unused coupons.

Setting up Unused Coupons Reminder

Go to your Loyalty Program page, click on Features in the side-bar and then scroll below to the Expiry & Reminders section and you can find the Unused Coupons Reminder.

Click on Configure button to open a new page.

As first step enable the unused coupon reminder feature by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Now, switch to the Reminder Settings section and define the conditions based on which Nector will search for customers who have the unused coupons and notify them

Understanding the condition​:

Days To Wait After Coupon was Created - ideal value is 7
No. Of Reminders To Send - ideal value is 2, max is 5
Gap Between The Follow Up Reminders - ideal is 10, The number of days after which the follow up reminders have to be sent.

Click on the Save button to finalise the changes.

Configuring the notification for unused coupons

Now we have to set up the notifications to inform the customers about their unused coupons

Possible notification mediums are:

Email - You can setup an email, which will nudge the customer via email. PS. you can design the email template on nector dashboard.
Event - You can setup event, which will send event to connected tools like Klaviyo, Omnisend, Mailchimp etc, and on connected tool you can use the event data to send communication

To setup an email notification follow the below steps.

Click on Send Notification in the Reminder Settings page.

The Send Emails tab of the Emails page opens and click on the + button to create a new event.

The values will be pre-filled but you can type in your desired subject under Email Subject if you would like to change.

By default it will be created with a predefined Unused Coupons template but you can also uncheck and design your own template from scratch.

If you want to create a new template uncheck and click on Design New Template button. A blank canvas opens where you can customise your email template as you want it. Refer to this Sending Emails article for more details.

Finally click on Create button, the email would be ready as shown below.

To send notifications through events, kindly follow this article on Events

To enable or disable the unused coupon reminder feature just toggle the status at the top of the page.

How to Change Expiry of Generated Coupons ?

Coupon Redeem Prompt

Updated on: 21/05/2024

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