Articles on: FAQs and More

Troubleshoot FAQs

How to manually credit or debit points to the customer

Visit Customers and search the via email or mobile number. Now click on the customer you want to edit, click on the Edit Balance button to manually credit or debit points.

How to import points in bulk

Please refer this article -

How to import reviews in bulk

Please refer this article -

How to export data from Nector

Please refer the collection for various kind of exports available on nector -

How to add nector reviews to my website

Please refer and scroll to section Showing and collecting reviews from the website

How to give points to customers for leaving a review

Please refer and scroll to section Defining rewards for giving review (Optional)

How to update or add new ways to earn on your website

Please refer and scroll to section Defining Ways to Earn

How to update or add new ways to redeem on your website

Please refer and scroll to section Defining Ways to Redeem

How to update a review (hide, unhide, verify, change title, description and rating)

Visit Reviews and search the review you wanna update. Now click on the review you want to update, and update as per business needs

Updated on: 21/03/2024