Articles on: Setting up Reviews (End-to-end)

Set up the Reviews Program

Reviews are very essential for building trust and providing valuable feedback to potential customers. Nector has a dedicated Reviews Program, which you can integrate in your website. To set up, follow the below steps:

Visit the Reviews Page on your Nector dashboard

Enable the review program by toggling the Status button on the top left of the page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Setting up Rules for Reviews Program

Switch to the Rules tab from the side-bar and then under Auto Approval Settings define the condition for review visibility.

Any review by customers having star rating below the defined rating will not be shown on your store. If the customer given rating is above or equal to the defined rating, it will be automatically visible in your store. Click on the Save button to save the condition.

After you have followed the above instructions, you can reward your customer for giving reviews.

Switch to the Earning Rules tab and under Reward For Review section, define the reward. To define the rewards click on the Create button, and choose a reward as per your business needs.

To define bonus reward to encourage image based review, scroll to Image Review Bonus section and define the reward. To enable the bonus factor, input the value and click on the Save button to save the condition. Images provide a visual context which helps potential customers better assess the product. Visual content also tends to attract more attention than text-only content.

How it works?

For example, If the bonus factor is set to 1.2, customer will get 120 coins instead of 100 coins i.e. it increases the normal reward customer would be receiving by multiplying it with the bonus factor, when they add images. Thus, encouraging them to put image reviews.

Bonus is only applicable for wallet coin rewards, there is no bonus for coupon rewards

Review Restriction

By default customers will be rewarded for only one review per month. We strongly recommend this check to avoid frauds.

However you can modify the setting, if you would like to change the frequency of reward. To modify,

Click on the Edit button and then click on Advanced Settings

Switch to Execution Rule Settings tab and then you can change the conditions. Understanding the conditions:

Activity Count - It indicates the number of times the action will take place.

Interval Unit - Indicates the frequency in which the action will take place. It can be set between day, week or month.

Click on Save to implement the changes.

Updated on: 06/06/2024