Articles on: Export & Import

Review Export

This article explains how to export your reviews.

Click on Customer Data on the left side menu, and then click on the Export Data page.

You will see the below view. Under Export Reviews section click on Export

The popup might have various filters based on these filters you can export data matching a specific condition.

Understanding the optional conditions​:

Review star greater than or equal to - export reviews having star rating same or above
Approved Reviews - export only those reviews which are visible on website
Verified reviews - export only verified reviews
Reference Product Id - export only reviews related to product id
Reference Product Slug - export only reviews related to product slug

Click on the Export button to start the export of data.

You will receive an email once the export has finished. You can also download it by clicking on the Download button.

You can also click on the View History and a new page opens where you can check the history of your exports. You can download the CSV file by clicking on link in this page and also check Status of the exports.

Please note only one export is allowed every 24 hrs. You can request a new export after 24 hrs only. This time window might increase or decrease in future.

Updated on: 07/10/2024