Articles on: Rewarding Features

Birthday Rewards

This article explains how to reward your customers on their birthdays.

Setting up birthday rewards

Go to your Loyalty Program page, click on Features in the side-bar and then in the Rewards section you can find the Birthday Rewards.

As the first step enable the birthday reward by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Switch to the Reward Settings tab and define the reward.

To define the rewards, under Birthday Reward section, click on the Add button, and choose a reward as per your business needs.

You can reward coins, give fixed or percentage discount coupons on orders, or free shipping discounts.

Next, scroll to the Rewards Settings section and select when to reward the customer. Click on the Save button to save the condition

You can choose to reward your users on any of the following occasions:

On their birthday
Day before their birthday
Three days before their birthday
Seven days before their birthday

To enable or disable the birthday reward just toggle the status button in this page.

Screenshot of from where the customer can input their birthday from the floating widget or the rewards page on your website, by clicking on that birthday reward option.

How will birthdays be collected

Click on Birthday Reward from the widget.

A popup opens, enter your birthday from the dropdown.

After selecting your birthday from the dropdown, click on Save button.

You can see your Birthday Reward shown as awarded.

Updated on: 02/07/2024