Revert Spent Coins
Nector's Revert Spent Coins feature enhances loyalty program management by automating the return of spent coins when orders are cancelled or refunded. This capability ensures that customers' loyalty rewards are adjusted accurately based on their transaction outcomes. For instance, if a customer cancels an order for which they had spent 100 coins, Nector's system automatically reverts those 100 coins back to them, maintaining transparency in loyalty program operations.
This article explains how to enable automatic revert of coins back to the customer when coins are used to get a discount on an order, but the order is cancelled or refunded
Go to your Loyalty Program page, click on Features in the side-bar and then scroll below to the Orders section and you can find the Revert Spent Coins.

As first step enable the revert spent coins feature by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Switch to the Revert Settings section and define the condition for reverting the spent coins on an order.
Reverting of coins can be done using any of the two options mentioned below:
Order Status On Which To Revert The Coins - Coins can be reverted based on the status of the order. The possible option are: Refunded, Cancelled. When the order is marked as refunded or cancelled on Nector, coins will be reverted (the status on Nector is updated based on underlying platform data (ex. shopify, woo-commerce)).

Order Tags On Which To Revert The Coins - Coins can be reverted using order tags. If the order contains any of the tags entered here, then the coins will be reverted. You can add multiple tags. For example, tags can be anything like: cancelled order, refunded-order, etc.

Once you have added all the conditions, Click on the Save button to save them.
As soon the order is updated on the underlying platform (ex. shopify, woo-commerce) our system will check if coins were spent on this order, if yes, then coins will be reverted only after any of the defined condition matches.
The reverting will happens once only if customer has spent coins on that order.
To enable or disable the revert spent coins feature just toggle the status at the top of the page.
This article explains how to enable automatic revert of coins back to the customer when coins are used to get a discount on an order, but the order is cancelled or refunded
Go to your Loyalty Program page, click on Features in the side-bar and then scroll below to the Orders section and you can find the Revert Spent Coins.

As first step enable the revert spent coins feature by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Switch to the Revert Settings section and define the condition for reverting the spent coins on an order.
Reverting of coins can be done using any of the two options mentioned below:
Order Status On Which To Revert The Coins - Coins can be reverted based on the status of the order. The possible option are: Refunded, Cancelled. When the order is marked as refunded or cancelled on Nector, coins will be reverted (the status on Nector is updated based on underlying platform data (ex. shopify, woo-commerce)).

Order Tags On Which To Revert The Coins - Coins can be reverted using order tags. If the order contains any of the tags entered here, then the coins will be reverted. You can add multiple tags. For example, tags can be anything like: cancelled order, refunded-order, etc.

Once you have added all the conditions, Click on the Save button to save them.
As soon the order is updated on the underlying platform (ex. shopify, woo-commerce) our system will check if coins were spent on this order, if yes, then coins will be reverted only after any of the defined condition matches.
The reverting will happens once only if customer has spent coins on that order.
To enable or disable the revert spent coins feature just toggle the status at the top of the page.
Updated on: 09/07/2024
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